++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ September 14, 1998 Contact: Jan Galligan ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IN TWO MORE, OF WHAT MAY BE A GROWING STRING OF ATTACKS ON INTERNET WEB SITES, hackers belonging to a group which is calling for the release of Kevin Mitnick, the imprisoned computer criminal, commandeered two internet based web magazines today. Both The Drudge Report, reputed to be the most viable source for salacious information about the Clinton/Lewinsky affair ( and and 75 Grand, an avant-guard on-line magazine which sporadically publishes the musings and adventures of the founder, Jan Galligan ( were taken over by computer hackers today. As in the case of an earlier New York Times hijaack, visitors to both sites saw the logo marked "HFG" accompanied by images of nude women along with a diatribe posted by the hackers which included attacks on: the New York Times and staff writer John Markoff, author of "TakeDown" the story of the capture of Kevin Mitnick; Matt Drudge, publisher of the Drudge Report - cited in the Starr Report to Congress as the 'Sludge Report'; Carolyn Meinel(author of the "Happy Hacker" and "The Hacker Wars", in press); and Jan Galligan, publisher of 75 Grand. Other incidents thought to be related to these attacks include the hacking of Yahoo earlier this year and a protest led by the hacker magazine 2600 outside the offices of Miramax Films, which is producing a film based on the book "TakeDown". All three counterfeit websites included text that could only be read by examining the underlying computer code, which then revealed the attack on Carolyn Meinel's writings, especially her comparison of computer breakins to terrorism: "IF WE FIND THE TIME AND EFFORT TO HACK A FEW PAGES,Meinel indicated in an interview that last month H.F.G. attacked the computers of Rt66, her internet service provider. In that attack several Internet users including Meinel and Markoff were subscribed to tens of thousands of Internet mailing lists disrupting their electronic mail service. Responding to the attack on his electronic journal, Jan Galligan said "I don't really know why they chose me. I can understand going after the Times, Markoff, Miramax, The Drudge Report and probably even Carolyn Meinel. But in my case, I can't say; unless they think that I'm guilty of obtuse over-dramatization of my thoughts and actions." ---------------------------------- end -------------------------------------- CLICK HERE FOR 75 GRAND HOME PAGE c. 9-15-98 J.Galligan