Bawdy disco pants story #1

Christmas 1997, I thought I would wear retro...disco era duds to a
christmas party. 

The shirt, well I improvised, unbuttoned a few from
the top and viola.

The pants I had, tan gabardine tight and bell at
the bottoms. Very pricey at the time and well made. 
I pulled them on and, behold, I still fit into them (size 29). 

I zipped them up andstood in front of Lynne for her critique.

"Well, they fit really good, but we will have to see if that will come out." 

I looked down to see where she was pointing and there straddling the 
fly were distinct red lipstick marks, circa 1983. 

Cest la disco nes pas?

Copyright 2000
Richard Lovrich
All Rights Reserved
Last modified Sept 15, 2000